Heyo, friends! Welcome back to my quiz!
I want to note that I do not wish for the dirty version of the answers. I want clean answers, so please refrain from submitting a cuss, for example, because that's not what I'm looking for. Thanks.
This time, this riddle will be a rhyme and only have clean possible answers because my previous questions have been just "affix and suffix" and have dirty possible answers (which are wrong of course,) and I was told that I should shake it up a bit.
For new contestants, we'll list all of the riddles from the previous parts of the quiz so that "no one is confused" as someone said. Okay enough of that.
Question #1: What is a word that starts with the letter "H" and ends with "ELL?"
Question #2: What is a four-letter word that ends with "MN?"
Question #3: What is a seven-letter word that starts with A and ends in the word "Hole?"
Question #4: What is a word that starts with B and ends in the word "Itch?"
Question #5: What is a word that starts with S and ends in the word "Hit?"
Question #6:
I belong in a book,
and I do have a twin.
Readers start with me
then move on to him.
In my direction,
it's the opening again
In his direction,
we end with Amen.
What am I?
33% of participants have answered correctly.
UPDATE: There was one answer for this, but after someone found another great answer, there's now TWO answers. Can you find them both?
UPDATE #2: I changed the first line from "text" to "book" because I thought "text" was too vague for the answer.
Good luck, readers! :)