I have some news that I think you guys are going to like!
So I have been getting a few requests to collab with me, like we work on a song together, and I have been saying no to all because I didn't have my parents consent, but now, I asked my father if I could collab with someone and he said YES, but as long as it is not for reasons that could get me in serious trouble! I also need to work with one person at a time, so if I am working with somebody right now, and you sent me a collab request during that time, I will check my notifications later. So I am now free to collab, but I don't feel 100% comfortable doing so, but I think I just need to try first, so yeah, how about that? :)
Now for music use! Remember when I said that all of my tracks were allowed for use as long as it wasn't for commercial purposes? Well, now commercial purposes are okay with me; you can now use my tracks for commercial purposes, BUT, my father and I have discussed that and if you are using a track of mine or two for commercial purposes and you are making money off of it, you have to pay me 10% of that money because my father said so, and once again, as long as it is not for a reason that can get me in trouble, feel free to use my tracks!
EDIT: Now I must say that not ALL of these songs will be allowed to be used for commercial purposes. Why? I do not want to talk about that, it's a funny story, kind of.
You can pay me using this email: meskelu@hotmail.com
Alright, that's all I have to say! Now I hope you have a nice day, guys!
Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!