Hello everyone, you can call me 'Vista Sounds' and I'm a music/digital artist and animator. Here, you will see songs, cartoons, and skits made by me. I hope you like my content! :)

Age 19, Male

Music Writer/Artist

Joined on 4/19/19

Exp Points:
16,515 / 16,890
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Vote Power:
8.03 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
4m 12d

Vista-Sound13's News

Posted by Vista-Sound13 - February 11th, 2021


Sorry about that, but seriously, this is unbelievable! I am so happy right now that I hit another milestone, and I couldn't be anymore happier, and I can't thank you guys enough for this milestone. You all are greater than the best! Thanks a billion!!!

Anyway, as I promised, I will release a new track today at 3 PM. I made a track beforehand, and I was saving it until 200 fans, so stay tuned!

Again, thanks for 200 fans! I will see you on my next track! ;)

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!



Posted by Vista-Sound13 - January 20th, 2021

Wow, you guys! Today, I just got a weekly first-place trophy for my song 'Jitter'!! That is incredible! I never expected that to happen! I would love to thank every each and one of you for making this happen, you are all so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Again, thank you for this trophy!!! :D

Vista Sounds - Jitter


Posted by Vista-Sound13 - January 18th, 2021

So I have been getting a couple of requests from people to check out their stuff, mostly music, but it's just not fun; it's a little heavy for me to go to their song, listen to the whole thing, vote, and then leave a review. So now, I will not take any more of these requests because I want to do these things when I want to, not when I am told to unless it is really important, so please don't ask me, thank you!

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!


Posted by Vista-Sound13 - January 17th, 2021

I have some news that I think you guys are going to like!

So I have been getting a few requests to collab with me, like we work on a song together, and I have been saying no to all because I didn't have my parents consent, but now, I asked my father if I could collab with someone and he said YES, but as long as it is not for reasons that could get me in serious trouble! I also need to work with one person at a time, so if I am working with somebody right now, and you sent me a collab request during that time, I will check my notifications later. So I am now free to collab, but I don't feel 100% comfortable doing so, but I think I just need to try first, so yeah, how about that? :)

Now for music use! Remember when I said that all of my tracks were allowed for use as long as it wasn't for commercial purposes? Well, now commercial purposes are okay with me; you can now use my tracks for commercial purposes, BUT, my father and I have discussed that and if you are using a track of mine or two for commercial purposes and you are making money off of it, you have to pay me 10% of that money because my father said so, and once again, as long as it is not for a reason that can get me in trouble, feel free to use my tracks!

EDIT: Now I must say that not ALL of these songs will be allowed to be used for commercial purposes. Why? I do not want to talk about that, it's a funny story, kind of.

You can pay me using this email: meskelu@hotmail.com

Alright, that's all I have to say! Now I hope you have a nice day, guys!

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!


Posted by Vista-Sound13 - January 16th, 2021

Hello, everyone,

So I thought of making a 200 followers special track before I reach 200 followers, so I don't have to work on something for a while as soon as I reach 200. So If I reach 200 followers, I will release that track at 3:00 PM EST on the day after, or on the same day if I have time. I can't wait to release it to you guys! Now, I'll see you later! :)

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!



Posted by Vista-Sound13 - January 5th, 2021

I have some good news following up on my previous post, guys!

So I removed some tracks from Newgrounds because they had cracked stuff, right? Well, some of those tracks were made initially without cracked stuff, and I was able to find the original versions, and reupload the tracks with those versions. I didn't have every original version, and some other of the tracks weren't made initially without cracked stuff so I couldn't re-upload those. The tracks that were cracked, even the cracked versions of the tracks that weren't cracked, including the original versions, are not that very good anyway; they were old. So now my page is now cleaned up and nice! I'll see you all next time!

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!


Posted by Vista-Sound13 - January 4th, 2021

You guys may be wondering why I got rid of some tracks of mine. Well, that's the point where I need to confess. Those tracks contained cracked stuff! I started cracking in late March of 2019 because at first, I thought it was fine, but then I found out that it was illegal! So after September 18, 2019, I returned everything, but there was still one thing I forgot to return because I thought it was free, but it wasn't, so I needed to return it, so I stopped and returned everything after September 18, 2019, and returned the last thing on late April 2020. I did not use cracked stuff at all after September 18, 2019, but one other thing that I thought was free wasn't free, then I returned it in late April 2020. I hope you get what I mean. Don't worry, I no longer crack things as of September 18, 2019, I now know that that is illegal. So the tracks that you will see on my page right now are cracked-free! No more cracking! I returned everything! I am glad I got this off my chest now! Now, let's continue our journey, shall we?

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!


Posted by Vista-Sound13 - December 31st, 2020

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!!! :)

Hello everyone, 2020 is coming to an end, and 2021 is hours away! I hope everyone had a great year in 2020. 2020 has been a tough year, and I am sure that it has affected just about EVERYONE, and to be honest with you, I didn't enjoy 2020 either; I had friend issues in March, there was a global pandemic in March, people were dying from catching COVID-19 (even famous people, unfortunately ;(), we all had to stay at home to prevent COVID-19, but it wasn't working, students had to switch to remote learning (online/virtual learning) even me, it was just a difficult niche to deal with. But my father enjoyed 2020 believe it or not, yesterday, I asked him "On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate 2020?", and he said 9/10! Why? Because none of his family members died, he didn't lose his job (which was incredible because a lot of people got unemployed due to the pandemic), and he was so proud of my 4.0 GPA accomplishment and reward in the first quarter, I was really proud of it, too! Don't judge him, please! Well, If I were to rate 2020 on a scale from 1 to 10, I would say 3/10 because of my friend issues, pandemic, school opening delays (which was really frustrating), being scolded, making mistakes that somewhat impacted people emotionally, etc., but there were some good times fo me in 2020, before and after the pandemic, such as being productive on music and art, chatting with a friend of mine every once in a while, and getting new gifts from my family (mostly my father), seeing great things happening to my tracks, I did not die from the pandemic (and I hope you didn't either), and that is just about it. There are people who just cannot wait for 2021, and neither can I. I have heard some best and worst-case scenarios on what 2021 will turn out like; according to some TikTok videos I found, 2021 will be a worse year than 2020, but according to YouTube, 2021 will work well for all of us (or not all of us), and this pandemic is likely to be gone by spring of 2021. I hope that 2021 will be that year that the pandemic goes away, I hope that we can just all go outdoors and have some fun, I hope we can all go back to schools, see our friends in person, and learn as we did before, and I hope that 2021 will be a lot better than 2020 because 2020 wasn't the best. I hope you all will enjoy 2021, and I hope that you all will have a great New Years' Eve! See you in 2021!!! :D

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!



Posted by Vista-Sound13 - December 24th, 2020

Hello, everyone!

So I just cooked up another Christmas song, but this time it is not classical and soft, this time, it will be a pop song. It will be released on Christmas Day (December 25) (Tomorrow). I can't wait to release it! I hope you will like it, so see you on Christmas Day!

Stay happy, stay home, stay hale, Merry Christmas Eve, and Happy Holidays!


Posted by Vista-Sound13 - December 24th, 2020

I have some somewhat good news guys, I am still able to use my old PC, but it is more slow and that kind of frustrates me. I can still make music, but not many arts unfortunately; I still need my new PC back because it is better than this old one. I hope I can get my new PC fixed. I am using my old PC right now. I'll see you guys later.

Stay happy, stay home, and stay hale!